The Moth
WHAT of the moth which falls Through the oil flame at night, A living animal thing, With dew damp on his wings On the dust there ? He flutters hesitantly, Through the half-open......
PROGRESS OF THE GANDHI MOVEMENT. [To the Editor of the SPECFATOR.1 • SIR,-MuCh is happening in India from day- to day, and the hot' weather does - not diminish the intensity of......
A Letter From Edinburgh. [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
SIB, —With the meeting of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland this month and the attendant receptions and levees of the Lord High Commissioner at Holyrood Palace,......
A Hundred Years Ago
THE " SPECTATOR," MAY 29-ra, 1830. FACING THE ENEMY. An anecdote is current, that the King, still alive, occasionally, to what used. to interest him before his illness, inquired......
• • Capital Punishment Essay Competition
OWING to the large number of entries for this competition the labour involved in judging them has been considerable. The task is, however, nearing completion. Competitors will......