31 MAY 1930, page 2

India Serious News Still Comes From India, But The Situation

has never been quite so bad as the pessimists feared. The disobedience which Mr. Gandhi organized is already taking new forms, most of which are in them- selves a confession......

The Nottingham By-election The Result Of The By-election...

Nottingham was declared on Wednesday : Ms. T. J. O'Cormion, K.C. (U.) .. 14,946 Mr. A. E. Waterson (Lab.) .. 7,923 Captain R. C. Berkeley (L.) .. 4,648 Unionist majority .. • •......

The Greatest Anxiety, Of Course, Has Been On The North

West Frontier, where there is always much tinder only waiting for a spark. It is almost a miracle that the sparks and the tinder have generally been kept apart. One encouraging......

The Attempt On Lord Strickland On Friday, May 23rd, When

Lord Strickland, the Prime Minister of Malta, was entering the Court of Appeal, an attempt was made on his life. Three shots with a revolver, all of which happily missed, were......

On Tuesday A White Paper Was Published Explaining British...

in Palestine. This must not be confused with the general declaration of future policy in Palestine which is urgently needed in order to remove the uncer- tainties that were at......

All Thisove„must Remark, Was An Assertion Rather Than An...

And we wonder what Mr. MacDonald's authority was for saying that there are between 5,000,000 and 6,000,000 unemployed in the United States. Then Mr. MacDonald gave a curiously "......

Meanwhile The Two Principal Bodies Which Preach...

Red Shirts " and the Youth League," continue to be active. According to the special corres- pondent of the Times the " Red Shirts" really call themselves the "Servants of God,"......

The Civil War In China The . News From The Seat

of war in China is hopelessly contradictory. The Nanking Government has officially reported victories over the Northern troops on May 20th and 21st. It claims to have penetrated......