31 MAY 1930, page 1

The Chief Event Of The Debate Was Admittedly The Speech

of Sir Oswald Mosley. It was delivered with perfect clearness and with faultless taste—a new development in Sir Oswald's career—and proved above all things his unremitting......

The Effect Of The Debate Is That The Government Stock

has , fallen a few points more. The Liberals are ready to co-operate with the Government—naturally- but it seems to us that the Unionists would serve the nation best in this......

News Of The Week

The Unemployment Debate T HE debate on unemployment in the House of Commons on Wednesday left the Government with a larger majority (twenty-nine) than they managed to keep at......

All Thisove„must Remark, Was An Assertion Rather Than An...

And we wonder what Mr. MacDonald's authority was for saying that there are between 5,000,000 and 6,000,000 unemployed in the United States. Then Mr. MacDonald gave a curiously "......

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1.--=A Subscription to the SPECTATOR costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPEcreiros fa registered as a Newspaper. The Postage on......

The Prime Minister In His Constituency

- On Monday the Prime Minister, on one of his rare visits to his constituency, said that the Government would refuse to accept any amendment to the Coal Bill which struck at the......