Lord Alness, the Scottish judge who, as Mr. Robert Munro,
K.C., was once Liberal member for the Wick Burghs, Lord Advocate in Mr. Asquith's Ministry and Secretary for Scotland in Mr. Lloyd George's Coalition, has put together some of his newspaper articles and many of his occasional speeches in a pleasant volume entitled Looking Back (Nelson, 10s. 6d.). The speeches read welt, but the only one that contains much vital matter is the detailed account of the Scottish Office which may be new to English, if not to Scottish readers. The best of the articles is the memorial notice of Mr. Bonar Law. Lord Alness recalls the former Unionist leader's days of strenuous work in unventilated rooms, relieved by no sort of exercise save an occasional game of lawn-tennis, and marvels at his endurance through the War years. " His team work with the Prime Minister was perfect. Ah, but, L. G.,' he would say—he always so addressed Mr. Lloyd George- ' must not one remember so and so ? ' And the suggestion was always worth remembering."