The OffiCial Secrets Act The NeWspaper Proprietors' Association has sent
to the Prinie- Minister the methOrandum for which he asked in reference to the use of the Official Secieta Act against three' journalists` who had announced. the forthcOming 'arrest of Mr. Gandhi. - The mernoranduM is a spirited -document, pointedly written and Cromwellian _in -Spirit. It is strange to reflect that it should have been reserved for the- Newspaper' Proprietors'. Association to rebuke a *Labour Prime- Minister for a despotic interference' with civil liberty. The memorandiim shows that when the Official Secrets 'Act was being debated in 1920. an objection Wtis raised that the 'Act might be directed . Against the Press, *hereupon Lerd Hews.* who was then AttOrneyrGeneral, declared that such- a -thing could not possibly happen. -