More Books of the Week
(Continued from page 905.) • Professor Vladimirtsov's Life of Chingis-Khan (Routledge, 68.) is no " romanced biography " of the Mongol war-lord who shook the thrones of all the known earth in the early thirteenth century, but careful history, based on the best authorities. It is interesting to note that 'Professor Vladimirtsov is of the opinion that ` other sources of the greatest importance remain unpublished, untranslated and unstudied." No doubt in Inner Mongolia, where the " institutions ". of Ghengiz are still followed, and his Inernory.,revered, there must remain all kinds of records and treasures from the sacking of great cities that may one day emerge ; :meanwhile, however, we have here an outline of the life of a militark genius whose talent (in the opinion of such an acknowledged authority as Captain Liddell Hart) was equal if not superior to that of Napoleon. Ghengiz was a good sportsman, a just man' according to his lights, and by no means the savage that the vanquished Moslems represented him to be. This is a short book that can be read in two hours ; two most profitable hours to those who would know more of one of the great figures of the early Middle Ages. -