The interest now taken in the possibility of reunion between
the Anglican and the Orthodox Churches is too often accom- panied by an almost complete ignorance of the special practices and characteristics of Eastern Christianity ; and hitherto accurate information on this subject has been hard for the ordinary reader to find.- Miss Euphrosyne Kep'hala's excellent and clearly-written account of The Church of the Greek People : Past and Present (Williams and Norgate, 4s. 6d.), however, puts at his disposal just the facts that are needed for a sympathetic understanding of the Orthodox :point of view. It is all the more valuable because written by one who has been brought up in that Church from childhood, and does not merely observe it from without. Miss Kephala brings out clearly on the one side the strong historical position of the Greek Church, its unbroken continuity with the primitive communities founded by St. Paul, its pride in being the one Christian body using the very language of the New Testa- ment ; on` the • othef, its deeply mystical outlook and the profound spirit of adoration which governs its liturgic life.
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