Feeling in Paris against the misrule of Turkel , in Macedonia
appears. to, be even stronger than in London. An immense
meeting was held last Sunday in the Theatre de Sarah Bern- hardt, which was attended by prominent, men from' France, England, Belgium, and Italy, and addressed by M. Ja.urea, Vice-President of the Chamber. Three ideas dominated the meeting. One was that the Sultan was reaPongible 'for 'the condition of-Macedonia; the second was that. thenew Triple Alliance of Great Britain, France, and Italy was strong enough to impose its will on the Sultan; and the ..third was that the new League of the democratic peoples ought to use that strength to enforce its will, by demanding the appoint- ment of a Governor-General of the, province responsible to the Powers, and enforcing the demand with a fleet. , That-the Lebanonising of Macedonia—is evidently the minimum demand upon which all reformers are. now agreed. will'irobably• be discus-Bed when the Czar and the German Emperor nieet at Wiesbaden. It is said that the Eastern Powers are inclined to accept it, but of this there is as yet no proof, except the alarm and annoyance obviously felt at Constantinople, and iA a less degree in Berlin.