31 OCTOBER 1903, page 25

Recollections Of James Martineau. By The Rev. Alexander...

(G. A. Morton, Edinburgh. 3s. 6d. net.) —Mr. Craufurd tells us that he made the acquaintance of James Martineau in 1892 (he was then in his eighty-eighth year, but full of......

Some Books Of The Week.

[tinder this leading tre notice such Boob qf As wee as Moe rot been reserved for review in et/tor forms.] Handbook to the Prayer Book. By the Rev. B. Reynolds. (Rivingtons. 4s.......

Mr. Balfour And Conceivable Cures For Imagined Ills. By C.

H. P. C. (Effingham Wilson. Is. net.)—The object of this illuminating pamphlet is "to suggest doubts as to the value of Mr. Balfour's influence as an ' educator' of his party."......

The Teaching Of History.

The Teaching of History and Civics in the Elementary and the Eecondory School. By Henry E. Bourne, B.A., B.D., Professor in the College for Women, Western Reserve University.......

Administration Under The Education Act.

The Education Act, 1902. Fully Explained, with Historical Introduction and Appendices, by William A. Casson and G. Cecil Whiteley, Barristers-at-Law. (Knight and Co. 7s. 6d.......

How To Become An Author. By Harold Bennett. (c. Arthur

Pearson. 5s.)—This book is full of good sense and useful advice from cover to cover. Mr. Bennett, who clearly knows his busi- ness, and is, so to speak, behind the scenes, sets......