The Odd-job Man. By Oliver Onions. (john Murray. 6s.)— It
is to be presumed that there are many people who like to read of the sort of life depicted in The Odd-Job Man, in the beginning of which the last shifts of an impecunious and......
Canada And The Fiscal Question.*
SIR WILFRID LAURIER, the great French-Canadian who has directed the policy of Canada for the last seven years, and has made himself a name as one of the foremost of Colonial......
THE LONG NIGHT.* 'THE vogue of many popular novelists of the day is a thing which is hard to explain, still harder to justify. It .always affronts the fastidious, and not......
The Enthusiast. By Adeline Sergeant. (methuen And Co....
Sergeant's hero cannot quite make up his mind whether to be loyal to his fiancée, who shows him pretty plainly that sha prefers being the Principal of a Ladies' College to being......
Barham. Brocklebank, M.d. By M. Betham-edwards. (hurst...
novel is a study of character, and cleverly achieved. Not only does Miss Betham-Edwards con- struct for us a country doctor, and make him a vivid and living figure, but she puts......