Letters To The Editor.
[se We have endeavoured as far as possible to open our columns to a free discussion of the fiscal problem. We think, however, that the time has now arrived when, in fairness to......
Ito The Editor Op Tee "sescrrros."1 Sir,—the Girls Of My
night-school have just written some rather valuable remarks which show how fiscal problems would affect Somerset labourers. " Father always eats one small loaf a day,"—at 21d.,......
[to The Editor Op The Spectator."]
hope that Unionists, Free-trade or otherwise, before resting on Mr. Sydney Buxton's letter in the Spectator of October 24th will compare his views with those of other......
What Is Spent On Bread In Poor Families. [to The
EDITOR OP THE . SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In discussing the effect of wheat at 608., as compared with 30s., on the price of bread, you state in the Spectator of October 24th: "If the......