Recollections of James Martineau. By the Rev. Alexander H. Craufurd.
(G. A. Morton, Edinburgh. 3s. 6d. net.) —Mr. Craufurd tells us that he made the acquaintance of James Martineau in 1892 (he was then in his eighty-eighth year, but full of intellectual vigour, and with no small measure of physical vitality still left to him). Here he gives us some reminiscences of his talk, and an estimate, illustrated by comparison with other thinkers, of his theological and philosophical position. This seems to us very well done indeed. Mr. Craufurd has views of his own on the ques- tions with which he deals ; he writes with insight, and expresses
himself with precision. These matters are quite beyond-discussion in a brief notice ; but We can say without; hesitation 'that 'this little volume will be found profitable by all, who,. wiAh whatever differences of opinion, regard James Martineau as a great and inspiring teacher.