SciziooL AND CLASS Boexs.—Cateehisings for the Church ant Sunday Schools.
Series III. By the Rev. J. H. Potter and Rev.' A. E. W. Shearel. (Skeffington and Son. 2s. net.)—This third is occupied with "The Life of Our Lord." The system of catechising which it sets forth is carefully organised, and the suggestione for making it effective are practical. It is not for every one to catechise in the way that holds a child's attention, but much- may be acquired, and the hints for study—which every teacher can use —are especially valuable.--In "Arnold's Literary Reading- Books," (E. Arnold), The Greenwood Tree' (Is. 8d.) This is a " Book of Nature Myths and Verses." Legends of the trees, as of the poplar; of flowers, as of the hyacinth, "that sanguine flower inscribed with woe" (according to a note, some kind of iris) ; tales such as that of 'Orpheus and Eurydice, of Arachne, of Cellist°. and Areas; and other similar materials, are collected in this volume., Scandinavian and Celtic folk-lore is put under con- tribution, as well as classical: This is a volume which should greatly enlarge a child's outlook on the imaginative side.—In "Dent's Shakespeare for Schools" (J. M. Dent and Co.) we have As You Like It (1s. 4d.), edited by Flora Masson. The introduction will serve as a useful guide to the study of the play ; the notes are commendably brief, and there is a glossary, which, if it errs, errs on the side of including too muck—In "Black's School Geography (A. and C, Black) we have received A Geography of Australasia and the East Indies (1s. 4d.) By the "East Indies " is meant the East Indian or Malay Archipelago.—From the same publishers we have also school editions of David Copperfield, with Introdua, tion and Notes by A. A. Barter (2s.) ; and Bob Boy, with Intro= duction and Notes by Arthur T. Flux (2s.)—Lectures et Melanges. By-W. G. Hartog. (Rivingtons. 2s. 6d.)—A. reading-book in which some well-chosen passages are furnished with questions, dm.— Mr. G. C. Chisholm's well-known Handbook of Commercial Geography (Longmans and Co., 15s.) appears in a revised and enlarged edition.