The Press Bureau has issued a review of the operations
in Nigeria and the German Cameroons between August 25th and September 20th. On August 25th a British force under Colonel P. Maclear crossed the Anglo-German frontier, and, after meeting some resistance, occupied Tepe. On August 29th the force made a night attack on the German station at Garua. At dawn, however, there was a strong counter- attack, and the force was compelled to retreat into British territory. Meanwhile Nsanakang, five miles over the German frontier, and Archibong had been occupied by other British forces. On September 6th the British garrison which bad been left at Nsanakang was driven out. Our troops fought magnificently against long odds. So far, it will be seen, the British efforts bad obtained little result. But on September 27th Duala, the chief port of the German Cameroons, surrendered unconditionally to an Anglo-French force under Brigadier-General C. M. Dobell. The German garrison, which retreated in three directions, has been pursued, and since then various other points in the German Cameroons have been occupied.