General De Wet On Loyalty. [to The Editor Of Ter
"srrerAvos.1 SIR,—In referring to the South African rebellion, you may care to note the last sentences of General Christian be Wet's Three Years' War, published by Messrs.......
Belgian Refugees As Teachers Of French. [to Ter Editor 07
THE "SPECTATOR."] Sia,—The Belgians in this country want something useful to do, and doubtless would be glad to benefit the British. Let the education authorities request the......
"french's Contemptible Little Army."
PTO TIM EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In Monday's Times, p. 6, it is now denied officially from Berlin that an Army Order was ever issued by the Kaiser in which contempt was......
"THE PITY OF IT." "NEVER to know the day was ours; Never to hear my comrades' shout ' Victory! see the enemy cowers ' : Never to see the German rout." "Never to hear of......
U.etes By Ozias Humphry.
[TO THE EDITOR OF TER "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Will you allow me to appeal to any of your readers con- cerning a collection of miniatures by Ozias Humphry which I am particularly......
The Abolition Of The State Monopoly In Vodka.
[To THR EDITOR Or THR "Sritoreron.'l SIR,—Your reference in last week's Spectator to the decision of the Tsar of Russia to abolish the State monopoly of the sale of vodka calls......
The Meaning Of "drunkenness" [to The Editor Of Tile...
SIR, — At the Surrey Quarter Sessions at Kingston on the 20th Inst. the following pronouncement was made : "In time of war drunkenness is an offence against and an injury to the......
"love Your Enemies." [to Tr1 Editor Of Trii •...
of the hard sayings of Christianity is to be fotInd in the monition "Love your enemies "; but in our nobler moments most of us instinctively feel that this command touches the......
Notice.—tfihen " Ccrresponclence" Or Articles Are Signed...
name or initials, or with a pseudcnvm, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the viev:s therein esrpressed or with the......