To The Men Of The Training Camps.
[To TER EDITOR OF TIIR "EPECTATOR."] SIR,—May this writer, a minister of religion who has tried to play his part among the Scottish troops in Bedford, thank you from the bottom......
A Voice From America. [to This Ednos Or Tim "srscr■roat.-]
SIR,—I enclose herewith a post office order for one pound. The money was sent to me by a friend living in Knoxville, Tennessee, and I venture to quote from her letter as......
A West Indian's Difficulties.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."' Siu,--Being an Englishman, I naturally wish to serve my country in the present circumstances. About two weeks ago the papers here suggested......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator...1
Sin,—Your admirable appeal "To the Men of the Training Camps" in your issue of October 24th must have met with the hearty approval of all your readers who are aware of the......
[to Tim Editor 01 The " Spectator."' Sir,—no Doubt All
your readers will admire, as I do, your splendid article in last Saturday's issue, viz., "To the Men of the Training Camps." You would do an immense service by having this......
A Bluejacket's Letter. [to The Editor Olt The...
might like to print the enclosed letter, which was written from New Caledonia by an Australian bluejacket to his mother in England. The writer's sister, who allows me to send......