Messrs. George Allen And Unwin Publish The First Five...
of a new illustrated series, "The Sesame Library," amongst which we specially welcome a timely reprint of Sir J. K. Laughton's Nelson and his Companions in Arms (is. net). —From......
JAM WISDOM OF FAIL:tilt BROWN.* WHATEVER criticisms may be passed on Mr. Chesterton's detective stories, they have at least the great attraction of unconventionality, and alike......
Readable Novels.—the Clergy House. By Vincent Brown....
6s.)—A gossipy, sentiments,. story of perfect saints and perfect villains.— When Thoughts will Soar. By Baroness Bertha von Suttner. Translated by Nathan Haskell Dole.......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent review.] Amongst books on subjects connected with the war, we may mention three more volumes of reprints from the......
Tony Bellew. By Margaret Peterson. (andrew Melrose....
really an exhortation to the writer of Tony Bellew. Her first novel, which appeared about a year ago, was clever but not altogether pleasant ; her second dealt with matters so......