We have dealt with the news from South Africa elsewhere,
but record with satisfaction the telegram from Lord Buxton published in Friday's papers. It records that one hundred and forty rebels have surrendered to Colonel Van de Venter's forces. General Hertzog, who remains loyal, is said to have undertaken a mission to the rebels in order to convince them of the folly of their action.- A telegram from the Times correspondent in Cape Town, published in Friday's issue, quotes the opinion of a leading Afrikander to the effect that practically all the Dutch in the Colony are not only loyal to the Government, but bitterly resentful of what they regard as a blot on the national scutcheon, to be wiped out at all costs. In the Transvaal he thinks the Dutch are about half and half, and that it is only in the Free State that "the majority are with De Wet." We have every confidence in General Botha's ability to handle the situation wisely and successfully. The forces at his command are ample for the task that they have in hand.