We regret to record that a gallant and patriotic sailor,
Prince Louis of Battenberg, has fallen a victim to the foolish prejudice that people with foreign names and of foreign birth cannot be loyal British subjects. It was announced on Friday that Prince Louis of Battenberg had resigned the office of First Sea Lord in a letter to Mr. Winston Churchill, the candour and simplicity of which do him the greatest credit. The First Lord's reply will interest the public from its mention of the very large number of capital ships and naval craft of all descriptions which are now falling into the lap of the Admiralty—a welcome supply which we owe in no small measure to the vigilance in prepara- tion shown by the Board of Admiralty, in whose work Prince Louis of Battenberg bore a most important part. We are glad to think that the Government would never have dreamt of sug- gesting Prince Louis's retirement. Since, however, he wishes to be relieved of what must have been a very great strain on a man whose health is known to be far from good, the nation will, of course, acquiesce, though it regrets his decision. He quits his post with all honour, and we are delighted to see that he was yesterday sworn of the Privy Council.