trirbe Vrobintrs.
The Aylesbury nomination was on Tuesday. Mr. Robert Wheeler, amidst eheers, groans, and hisses, proposed the Tory candidate, Captain John Charles Baillie Hamilton ; and Sir Mtn Dashwood King seconded the nomination. Mr. John Gibbs proposed and Mr. Charles Watts se- conded, Mr. John Ingram Lockhart. Mr. Lockhart is a decided Re- former.—for Short Parliaments, an extension of the Suffrage, and the Ballot. Sir George Stephen nominated Lord Nugent, amidst a storm of groans and hisses. Captain Hamilton could net obtain a hearing ; Mr. Lockhart was rather better received ; but Lord Nugent was most perse- veringly hooted. The show of hands was hi Captain Hamilton's favour. The polling demanded on behalf of Mr. Lockhart and Lord Nugent commenced next day ; when it soon appeared that Captain Hamilton had only a sham opposition to encounter. At half-past eight, half' an hour after the polling commenced, Lord Nugent polled his mover and seconder—nobody else having offered—and retired. Mr. Lockhart speedily followed this example. The poll was kept open till four o'clock ; when the following numbers were announced—
Captain Ilamilton Mr. Lockhart Lord .1\ agent 11