Placards Were Last Week Posted On The Walls Of !lath.
announcing that Mr. Vincent would preach a sermon on Beacon Hill, on Sunday afternoon ; and in consequence , about two thousand persons were assem- bled at the hour appointed.......
The Earl of Dunraven, it is said, will be the new Irish Representa- tive Peer. At a public meeting held in Dublin on Monday, to oppose the renewal. of the Bank of Ireland......
The Warwick Assizes Commenced On Monday. The Prisoners...
attacking the Metropolitan Police, acting as special con- stables at Birmingham on the 4th of July, were put on their trial yes- terday. The Attorney-General, with Messrs.......
One Of Those Desperate Affrays Which Have So Often Occurred
on rail- ways between English and Irish labourers, on the subject of wages, took place on Monday week, at Hebden Bridge, near Todmorden, on the line of the Manchester and Leeds......