Debates Anti Vroccebinns Fit Vatliament.
THE POOR-LAW. In the House of Commons, on Monday, Mr. Tito:wits Dulecoxi moved an instruction to the Committee on the Poor-law Continuant Bill, that a clause should be......
There Is No Political Intelligence Of Interest In The French
pap et , " The Three Days of July" have been celebrated with the pomp ; though, the Opposition papers declare, with more th k r usual " frigidity." These journals ask why the......
The Portuguese Cortes Have Separated Without Making...
payment of over-due dividends on the stock prineipt held by English creditors. The Portuguese Cortes have separated without making anyps, vision for payment of over-due......
News Of The Week.
FROM the great variety of questions pressed upon Parliament in these latter days of the session, the following are picked out, as having attracted most attention, or as......
General O'donnell, Commanding The Queen Of Spain's Troe T...
defeated CARRERA at Lucena. It is said to have hs, a very gallant affair, and highly creditable to O'Doxsinu:s ges er ., ship.......
• The Victory In Syria Would Seem To Have Laid
the Turkish em- pire at the feet of MEH EMET ALL Following closely upon the news of the Turkish army's defeat by IBRAHIM, conies intelligence that the Ottoman fleet had been......
Again The Most Important Foreign News Is From Asia And
the East of Europe. Certain intelligence has, at length, been received of the entrance of the British troops into the open town of Candahar. This took place on the 21st of......