In An Assault Case, Heard At Hatton Garden Office On
Monday, in which complainant and defendant were sturdy female beggars, it came out that one of them was formerly in the habit of making 12s. a day by her vocation, but that......
On Tuesday, A Party Of Gentlemen Gave Sir Charles Metcalf
a dinner at I is:, Rooms. Sir Charles, it will be recollected, is going out to Jamaica as Governor and Commander-in-Chief. Mr. J. E. Elliott pre- sided at the dinner : we find......
In The Expectation Of Mr. Harvey's Appointment To The Office
of Chief Commissioner of Police in the city of London, and consequent resigna- tion of his seat for Southwark, some Tories and haters of the Poor-law have called upon Mr. Walter......
Zbe Qtatirt.
THE Queen held a Court on Monday afternoon, at Buckingham Palace when the Dutchess of Braganza had an audience of her Majesty, and took leave—after a rather short visit. The......
According To The Ll'estern Times, The Tomes Tories Polled...
un- dont:folly bad votes. The parties had lost the qualification for which they were registered, and had received time notice holing voting that they would be indicted. One of......
Placards Were Last Week Posted On The Walls Of !lath.
announcing that Mr. Vincent would preach a sermon on Beacon Hill, on Sunday afternoon ; and in consequence , about two thousand persons were assem- bled at the hour appointed.......
Meetings Have Been Held Both In Nottingham And In Derby
to ad- dress the railway proprietors to put an end to Sunday travelling. At present the carriages only 3111 in the nerrning . and in the evening of Sunday, and not between the......
Trirbe Vrobintrs.
The Aylesbury nomination was on Tuesday. Mr. Robert Wheeler, amidst eheers, groans, and hisses, proposed the Tory candidate, Captain John Charles Baillie Hamilton ; and Sir Mtn......
Vibe J,01 Ctropolis.
The Lord Mayor returned to the Mansionhouse on Saturday night, after an absence of six days "on the business of the Conservancy of the Thames." So runs the official......