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THE Queen held a Court on Monday afternoon, at Buckingham Palace when the Dutchess of Braganza had an audience of her Majesty, and
took leave—after a rather short visit. The Dutchess, accompanied by the Princess Maria Amelia, then visited and took leave of the Dutchess of Kent. In the evening, the Queen entertained a small dinner-partv, comprising Earl Fitzwilliam, the Honourable George and Lady Char- lotte Fitzwilliam, Lord and Lady Lurgan, Lord Morpeth, and the Earl and Countess Craven. The Queen, with the Dutchess of Kent, went to the Italian Opera on
Tuesday. In the Royal box. were the Marchioness Normanby, Lady Charlotte Dundas, Lord Torrington, and Colonel Cavendish.
At a Privy Council, on Wednesday, Sir Charles Metcalfe was sworn in and kissed hands as Governor of Jamaica. On Thursday evening, her Majesty again visited the Italian Opera, attended as on Tuesday evening. with the exception that Colonel Buckley occupied Colonel Cavendish's place.