The Earl of Dunraven, it is said, will be the new Irish Representa- tive Peer. At a public meeting held in Dublin on Monday, to oppose the renewal. of the Bank of Ireland charter, the following resolution, proposed by Mr Mooney, was carried unannnously—" That it appears to this meeting, that the assertions of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, on the late debate on the Bank of Ireland charter, are unsupported by facts ;
and that we consider his opposition to i a free trade in banking, such as bas made Scotland so flourishing a nation, is inconsistent with the ge- neral profession of Liberal principles professed by the present Adminis- tration ; and that an address founded on this resolution be presented immediately to our gracious Queen:" i The O'Connellite Pilot vents its indignation at Mr. Rice's conduct on this question- " The speech of Mr. Spring _Rice, made with the monstrous purpose of con- thwies the visitation of the Bank monopoly which it pretends to justify, is one of most insolent, shallow, and absurd documents it has been our mis- fortune ever to find utter 1d for the vindication of evil. What contempt he roust have for the public! Not one of his arguments but prove the direct reverse of what lie produces them for, not one of his filets but subvert his in- ferences. We never knew the case of the Bank so weak as in his hands. He redly pursues his mischievous object with an obstinacy which, as it is now clear, cannot be for the reasons he has given, causes people to think he must have some reason which he Wnot give. 'hat can that reason be ? lie seems as if he held a brwt for the Bank. If lie got a 'hand-over' from the rich old lady, he could not be more unreasoningly obstinate. Of course he did Dot take that ; but what possesses him to assist his opponents, destroy his
Mindy La- to become as odious as the d cause for himself and his country, n m
trolls of Ireland? No, never can he be forgiven. Any objects of ambition whirl he may hereafter look to Ireland for shall be disappointed."
Most magniloquent! But everybody knows the real value of Irish rapouring against a Minister,