3 AUGUST 1839, Page 9

A fatal affray necurred between the Police and the people

on Thursday week at St. Mullins, in the Southern part of the county Carlow. Ks we understand, the Police: interfered to suppress factious fighting : they were resisted: an attempt was made to rescue a prisoner ; and a


rencontre took place, in which at least one person (Patrick Berne) was shot dead, and several others were wounded ; sonic of them, it was con- sidered, nortally. The Police were pelted for some time with stones, and some of them were severely cut.— II 'atm:ford Mirror.

The Dublin papers announce the death of General Archdall, for many years Member for Fermanagh. The General left no legitimate issue; and his estates pass to his brother, Edward Archdall, whose son, lllervyn, now sits in the House of Commons Ibr Fermanagh.