On the 27th tilt., in Grosvenor Square, the Viscountess Mnormr, of a son. On the ult., in Brunswick Place, Regent's Park, the Hun. Mrs. MAcr.con or Macleod, of a .mar.
011 the 2611i ult., at Newcastle, County Down, Ireland, the Lady of the Hon. and Rey. Anrinoi romsnoy, Or a soli.
()II the 26()1 ult., at Convulsion Castle, the Lady of the Hun. EDWARD PRFSTON, of a (laugh] sr.
On ill,. :list lilt., in St. James's Square, the Hon. Mrs. Arcrintn Limos, of a son.
On the :3ist ti.t., in Curzon Street, the Wife of PaAscis IlAwaiss, M.D., of a daughter.
On the 8,.1i of March last, at Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land, the Lady of Joint GREGtalV, Esq., Culonial Treasurer, of a son.
Ott the 26th tilt., at Bangor, Ireland, JAMES HAMILTON WAuo, Esq., Commander R.N., son of the late Right Hat. Robert Ward, of Bangor Castle, to the Hen. ELIZA- BETH DORCAS BLACKWOOD, daughter of Lord Duffiirin dud Clunehoye. On the 30th nit., at St. Mary's. Bryaustone Square, the Rev. Lord ARTHUR HERVEY, to PATIENCE, eldest daughter or John Singleton, Esq. On the 30th alt., at the parish-church of Watford-, Hells, the Viscount NEWRY and Moans, son of the Earl of Killarney. to ANNE AMELIA, eldest daughter of General the Hon. Sir Charles Colville, 0.0.B. On the 25th alt., at All Souls'. Marylebtaw, and at the French Chapel, the Count DE Mosi BEAT., to Tilmmosrt, daughter of Samuel Crawley, Esq., On the 22th ult., at St. iieeres's, Hatiover Ekktutre, JAMES HASTINGS, Esq., only sou of Edward Ifitstings, or Upper Norton Street, Portland Place, to RosAnwo, second daughter of the late 1,i00.•Gen. Onle, of Westwood Hall, Northumberland.
On the 25th nit. at St. Chapel, Edinburgh, Reoznuat CHARLES MACDONALD, Esq., of Castle Tioraut to Ems.%lts•ru, daughter of the late Glengarry. On the 31st tilt., at Tunbridge, the Rev. R. W. Iffiow:ias, M.A., Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford, &e. to CAttoLiNE ituAnsotto, eldest daughter of the Rev. Sir Charles Hardinge. Bart., of Boutcles. Park. Kent. On the 1st inst., JOHN :ElIG!-: Pit I.LIMORE, Esq., Student of Christ Church, Bar- rister-at•Law, und eldest SOH of Joserlt Phillinturo, Esq., D.C.L., to Rosm.ino MAR- GARET, second. daughter of Same. Lewis Knight Bruce, Esq., one of her Majesty's Counsel. On the 27th ult., at the Old Church, St. Helier's, Jersey, ALEXANDER JOHN SUTHER- LAND, M.D., eldest son of Alowoider Robert Sutherland, M.D., Parliament Street, Westminster, to Ar,:s,.:4 JoilANNA CARMICHA Er., youngest daughter of Joint Wilson Carmichael, Esq., late Captain in the 53d Regiment.
On the -hh ult.. at Madeira, ELI Z Wife of the Rev. J. Robinson, Rector of St. Mani:: ;old Nahum, Yi.rk, and the youngest daughter of the late Rev. Edward Otter, Prebendary of York, and Rector of BMW, Northumberland. On the 16th ult., at Plympton, WILLIAM WYATT, sun of the Rev. John Smythe, Rector or Dromiskin, county Louth, Ireland. On the 26th ult., at Itishouse,Oxforti Street, Mottos SAUNDERS, Esq., F.H.B., F.A.S., and many coats an active Magistrate or the county of Middlesex, in his 77th year. On the 30th tilt., suddenly, at the residence of his son, the Rev. Sidney Widdriag- ton, Manor !louse, Bexley , Edeut.•Gen. sir D. LATIMER TINLING WIDDRINOTON, IIe was nearly thirty y,,ws It General Officer, served his country in almost every part of the world, and was in receipt of a pension for distinguished services, Ou the' 6th ult., at Slatighatu Rectory, Sussex, the Rev. Rustier ELLISON, thirtruine years Rector of that parish, in kis 70th year.