A silly paragraph having appeared in the Treasury paper the Oh- server, on Sunday last, stating that the Marquis of Londonderry had refused to drink the Queen's health with the usual honours at the Duke of Somerset's Wimbledon fete, the Marquis thought it worth while to publish the following letter, addressed to the calumniator, and contra- dicting the story, in the daily journals-
" liolderness House, II8th July.
" Sir—I have seen in your paper of this day a report, respectfidly ' brought under my notice, that 1 had taken occasion to offer a markeil insult to my Sovereign, by not rising from my seat when her Majesty's health was proposed at the fete at Wimbledon.
" I hail hoped that my long services as a soldier, my known enthusiastic loyalty as a Conservative, and my respect for the female character, would have prevented party malice, political slander, or Palace gossip, from attempting to fix such an imputation upon me.
" I cannot finice in the dark; nor answer the habitual calumnies of the Go- vernment press against those who oppose them as honestly and fearlessly as I do. But, if any person shall openly assert that I did not stand up during the time her Majesty's health was drunk, I declare it to be a base and infamous falsehood.
"As your paper will not appear again until Sunday next, and as I do not choose to remain during that interval under such a charge as that to which you have given currency, I shall send a copy of this letter to the daily journals for immediate insertion therein.
" I am, Sir, your very obedient bumble servant, VANE LONDONDERRY."
Lord Fitzroy Somerset is to have the Coloneley of the Forty-third Foot, vacant by the death of the late Lord Bowden. Lord Fitzroy is at present Colonel of the Fifty-third Regiment.
The Moderado Minister of the Spanish Home Department has issued a solemn ordinance, subjecting the Duke of Wellington's property in Spain to taxation and tribute.