At the same time the German Government inform neutrals that
as from Thursday, February 1st, Germany is engaged upon " un- restricted naval warfare " in the war zone. That means that every trading vessel of whatever nationality and of whatever character that enters the waters proscribed by Germany will be sunk at sight. Perhaps the United States will have something to say to that. The thoughts behind the new German plans are as clear as daylight. Germany sees that her only chance of saving the war is the rule of madness and blindness—Sink ! Sink! Sink! She has long burst all bonds, but now she unblushingly admits it. In our opinion, this is not a point lost for us but a point gained. It is an instance of the old German logic : " We cannot recognize the laws of humanity to which we set our name, because recognition would mean a disadvantage to us. It was never intended by God that Germany should lose the war. Therefore laws necessarily and obviously cease to bind us."