Clergy Of Military Age.
(To TEZ EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] Srn,—The letter under the above heading will be warmly welcomed by many of your readers. No doubt some of the clergy and other ministers of......
The Sanctity Of A Treaty,
(To TEE EDITOS or THE " SPECTAT011."3 Ssp,—Does not your able and ingenious article on "The Sanctity of a Treaty " land you in a vicious circle? The engagement you speak of,......
America And Germany,
(To FEE ED/TOE Or TES " SPFCTATOE."1 Sra,--It is to be hoped that American statesmen, particularly those of academic training, have studied German Watery during the past......
Some Dantean New Year's Political Warnings. [to •the...
THE " SPECTLTOR.") SIR, —As a constant reader of the Spectator for nearly forty years, I have often during that period wished to give expression to an inward complacency of mine......
The War Loan, Death Duties, And Insurance. (to Tile Editor.
OF TEE " SPECTATOE."3 Sta,—In your article, "Points about the Loan," in the Spectator of January 20th, you compare the method of providing for Death Duties by means of investing......