The Clergy And Food Production.
[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR, —Now that food production is of such vital importance, perhaps any suggestion is welcome. At a meeting in a small East Anglian village......
Food Production.
[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] 532, I thank you for your admirable article in the Spectator of January 2Ath on " Food Production." There is one more sugges- tion that......
Food Waste—boiling Versus Steaming.
(To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") Stn,—When the Government, and necessity, are urging upon us economy in food, and the use of more vegetables and lees meat, allow me to point......
Meatless Days.
ITo 7HE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] Rai:, It is really with some amusement that many of us regard the efforts and attempts of the secular or civil authorities to enforce laws......
The Housekeeping Problem.
(To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECT1TOR."1 Sia,—It is a great gain that the Spectator is willing to consider " The Housekeeping Problem" from a sane and practical stand- point. The......
Volunteer Labour On The Land.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR, —Your article in last week's Spectator on the above subject prompts me to write you a few lines on a matter which is rightly engaging......
Cultivation Of Land By Public-school Boys. [to The Editor Or
THE " SPECTATOR:"] Sin,—Arrangements have been made through the Head-Masters of certain of the Public Schools whereby either areas of land in the neighbourhood of the school or......