Lord Cromer Died As He Would Have Liked To Die—in
the dis- charge of his duty. He knew when he undertook the Chairmanship of the Gallipoli Inquiry that it would probably mean his end; bu d he felt, and rightly felt, that this......
The World Knew And Respected Lord Cromer Most As A
man of great justice of view and of moderation, coupled with firmness and energy, a man above all things sane and safe in thought and conduct. And they Were right. At the same......
The Prime Minister, In An Interview With An Australian...
has explained his reasons for summoning the Empire War Council. The Premiers of the Dominions, and a representative of India, have been called to London, not to hold an ordinary......
Tho Report To The Prime Minister Of The Speaker's Conference
on Electoral Reform appeared in Wednesday mor'ning's. papers. The recommendations are of the most drastic kind, and are given nob merely in principle but in 'very considerable......
The Irish-canadian Rangers, A Regiment Of Roman Catholic,...
Irishmen voluntarily recruited in Canada by Colonel O'Donoghue, have been making a tour of Ireland this week, and have had the most gratifying reception from all classes and......
The Allied Governments Have Held Another Conference,...
at Petrograd to continue the discussions that led to such good results at Paris and at Rome. Lord Milner, with Lord Revel- stoke and General Sir H. Wilson, went in our interests......
The Situation In Greece Has Improved Considerably. King...
manner has changed, and he has caused the tone of the Royalist Press to change also. The Reservists' Leagues have for the time being ceased from troubling, and the transfer of......
It Is With Very Deep Regret That We Record The
death of Lord Cromer, which took place in London on Monday at the age of seventy- five. Readers of the Spectator, like its editor and his colleagues, will feel a personal grief......
Mr. Neville Chamberlain Has Made Known In Broad Outline His
scheme of National Civilian Service. His main object is to find substitutes for the men who may be called up to the Army from munition works, coal mines, shipbuilding,......
The Labour Conference, Before Separating At The Week-end,...
a majority of morc.than two to one the insidious proposal —supported of course by Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, M.P.—that the International Socialist Bureau should be reconstituted'......