Tho Report to the Prime Minister of the Speaker's Conference
on Electoral Reform appeared in Wednesday mor'ning's. papers. The recommendations are of the most drastic kind, and are given nob merely in principle but in 'very considerable detail. If carried putt they will profoundly affect our whole polite Al system, and affect it, we are glad to say, in the democratic direction. In tame every man over twenty-oho who is not subject to any legal incapacity will have a vote. The qualifying period is to be six malls. In a word, we get universal suffrage, as opposed to the old-fashioned form of household suffrage Ats all sorts of Weird lodger and service qualifications. Hitherto the vote in this country has been a married man's vote (" married man " and " householder " are .as a rule synonymous terms), and therefore gave a distinct electoral advantage to the dais trlich married youngest.