3 FEBRUARY 1917, Page 16


"0, stranger, bring the Spartans word, that there, Obedient thus to their command, we lie."—Susomuss.

Mae do we lie, dead but not discontent, That which we found to do has had accomplishment.

No more for us uprise or set of sun; The vigilant night, the desperate day is done.

To other hands we leave the avenging sword, To other tongues to speak the arousing word.

Here do we lie, dead but not discontent, That which was ours to do has had accomplishment.

Forget us not, 0 Land for which we fell— May it go well with England—still go well.

Keep her bright banners without blot or stain, Lest we should dream that we have died in vain.

Brave be the days to come, when we Are but a wistful memory . . . .

Here do we lie, dead but not discontent,