3 FEBRUARY 1917, Page 21


Wales in this column does not nwessirily przzia13 su)ss12132 The English Catalogue of Boolei. Vol. IX., 1911-15. (Publishers' Circular. 5 guineas net.)—Mr. R. B. Marston is to be congratulated on the rapid completion of his great catalogue, which is now continuous from the year 1801. It gives in one alphabet both the title and the author of almost every book published in the United Kingdom, with the publisher, the size, the month and year of publication, and the price. The ninth volume records over 57,500 books, and as each is entered twice, there are over 110,000 entries. The publications of learned Socie- ties are given in an appendix ; we miss the Hakluyt Society there, but find its books in the main catalogue. The editor states that 12,379 books were published in 1913, 11,537 in 1014, and 10,665 in 1915. The reduction caused by the war was thus comparatively small, though it will doubtless become more marked as time parses. The catalogue is remarkably accurate, although the editor, we are told, had to correct the sheets near the Somme. AS a piece of private enterprise, it deserves hearty commendation.