An interesting point in regard to London is that the
City is to remain, somewhat on the analogy of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, a two-Member constituency. All polls are to be held on the eame day and all nominations on one day, eight days elapsing between the two functions. The Returning Officers'• charges, we are glad to note, will henceforward be paid by the State, and not, as heretofore, by the candidates. In order to prevent frivolous candidatures, every candidate is to be required to deposit £150, and this sum will be returned to him only if he has polled a competent number of the voters who took part in the election. In future the limit of expenditure for candidates shall be sevenpenee per elector in a county and fivepence per elector in a borough, with a reduction where there aro three or more Members to be elected. The Conference also recommend that political and other organizations which now incur expendi- ture in the furtherance of the views of particular candidates should be prevented from doing so.