According to a paper published by Mr. Stanhope, the Army
and Navy Estimates will this year show a reduction, the true
net total demand for the Army for 1888-89 being £16,700,000, and for the Navy, £13,082,000. This shows a saving of no less than £1,057,000. Against this, however, has to be set a demand for £3,000,000 for the improvement of our military ports, endangered by the advance made in the construction of pro- jectiles, and for the fortification of coaling-stations, which, though of the last importance, have never been protected yet. It is stated that one army corps is now ready for service, but the second is not so completely prepared. The departments appear to be working energetically, but we ought still to have more for the forty-five millions expended here and in India on the fighting services. It is not that we have not force enough, but that it can never be utilised, from sheer want of organisation, without new and heavy expense.