3 MARCH 1888, page 1

Great Progress Has Been Made With The New Rules Of

Procedure, the Opposition having opposed mildly, and Mr. Smith having yielded to any reasonable demands. The first rule, which fixed 3 as the hour for commencing and 12.30 as......

News Of The Week.

T HE intelligence from San Remo is becoming hopeless. Dr. Knssmaul, the Strasburg specialist in lung-disease, reports that while lung-disease does not exist in the Prince,......

The By-elections Of The Week Have Been In Accordance With

the omen furnished by the Doncaster election. At Hampstead,— vacated by the Colonial Secretary, Sir Henry Holland, who has been raised to the House of Lords as Lord......

Notice To Advertisers.

With the "SPECTATOR" of Saturday, March 10th, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. Advertisements......

O Il * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,...


But Wednesday Night Brought A Much More Encouraging

indication that the country is not going to take the leap in the dark which the Home-rulers advocate. In the Deptford contest no pains had been spared to carry the seat, and a......

The Last Improvement Intended To Prevent Obstruction...

The strongest weapon of obstructives is their power of demanding useless divisions, which may consume hours and it is therefore proposed that the Speaker should, in his......