3 MARCH 1888, page 3

Sir Charles Russell's Speech On Thursday Night, In Moving...

a Committee of Inquiry into the conditions subject to which meetings may be held in the Metropolis, and the limits of the right of the Executive Government to interfere......

According To A Paper Published By Mr. Stanhope, The Army

and Navy Estimates will this year show a reduction, the true net total demand for the Army for 1888-89 being £16,700,000, and for the Navy, £13,082,000. This shows a saving of......

The House Of Lords Yesterday Week Decided On Appeal A

point of no little importance to railway-travellers, in the case of "The Great Western Railway Company v. Bunch and wife," —namely, that luggage entrusted to a porter, either......

Bank Bate, 21.- Per Cent. Consols Were On Friday 1021

to 1021.......

Mr. Matthews's Reply Was A Very Masterly One. He Held

that Trafalgar Square is a freehold of the Crown held for public uses, but that those public uses are expressly subject to the regulation of the Commissioner of Police, and that......

Mr. Morley Made The Usual Misquotation Of The Attorney-...

who never boasted of having driven the National League into secrecy, but who said only that small and insignifi- cant meetings of the League held secretly are not calculated to......

Mr. John Morley On Wednesday Followed Lord Randolph...

in making a speech to the Oxford Union, though in this case the great majority of the audience was opposed to the speaker, instead of being partisans of his Irish policy. Mr.......

M. Pasteur Is Really A Competitor For The Prize Of

£25,000 offered by New South Wales for the destruction of rabbits, and as a competitor has exported, it is stated, chicken- cholera to that Colony, with agents to ensure its......

In Convocation On Wednesday, The Bishop Of Exeter...

petition from the Lord's Day Observance Society, complaining of the frivolous Sunday amusements of the rich, and suggested that as the Bishops in 1862 protested against Sunday......