Practical Botany. By E. Strasburger. Edited From The...
W. Hillhouse. (Swan Sonnensohein, Lowrey, and Co.)—The title of this volume should have been "Practical Microscopical Botany," as it deals only with the histological department,......
Practical Histology. By W. Fearnley. (macmillan And Co.)—...
things that strike us in this book is the conclusion, This is meant for a wealthy student." The gorgeous apparatus recommended by the writer almost makes one's mouth water. That......
Electrical Distribution By Alternating Currents And...
(Alabaster, Gatehouse, and Co.)—Mr. Kennedy gives us a short historical account of the various devices which have been invented for the purpose of overcoming the great......
The Missing Rubies. By Sarah Donduey. 3 Vole. (bentley And
Son.)—This is a readable story of the old-fashioned sort, a story of honesty discredited by false accusations, villainy triumphant for a time but ultimately punished, and love......