On Friday, it came out definitely that Mr. Gladstone will
give in his resignation to-day, and that its acceptance by the Queen will be intimated on Monday, and that the 'Queen will send for Lord Rosebery; but whether Lord Rose- bery will accept the difficult task imposed upon him, must, of course, be regarded as doubtful. A party of Radicals have interviewed the Government Whip, Mr. Marjoribauks, and declared their unwillingness to follow any Prime Minister .not in the Commons, and this party certainly favours the Premiership of Sir William Harcourt. On the other hand, the Labour party and the semi-Socialistic Radicals re- presented by the Daily Chronicle, are enthusiastic for Lord Rosebery, inferring from his experience on the County Council, and in reconciling the employers and miners in the coal-strike, that he will favour the line -of policy which they chiefly crave. At present, it looks as if the formation of a new Government would be a matter of no little difficulty and doubt. It is said that the Welshmen, too, are not eager for the leadership of Lord Rosebery. We suspect that the successful Foreign Minister ,will think twice before he consents to be "used up "in forming
• a short-lived and ill-compacted Ministry. Of course he might .di'ssolve, but the moment for a successful Dissolution has not yet arrived.