The Italian Finance.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR,"] Sin,—In your article in the Spectator ,of February 24th, on "The Finances of Italy," you say : "Signor Sonnino hopes that a large section of......
Letters To The Editor.
"CONTRACTING-OUT." [TO MI/1 EDITOR OF TH111 SPZOTATOZ."1 SIR,—You speak, in the Spectator of February 24th, as if the Employers' Liability Bill were "the cry of the......
James Smith's Grammar.
[To THE EDI MR OF THE SPECTATJR." I SIB,—In vindication of James Smith's grammar, it may be worth while to trouble you with a slightly different version of his lines on Andrew......
The New Oxford.
pro Tins EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—It is by no means easy for an outsider, and a Noncon- formist, to understand the complaint of Mr. T. Arnold, your correspondent in the......