The British Have Sustained A Disagreeable Reverse On The...
A slave-raiding chief named Fodi Silah, said to !be a Mandingo by birth, has been giving great trouble both to the English and French, on a strip of land between their......
The German Reichstag Will Probably Accept The Com-...
with Russia after another determined. speech from Count Caprivi, delivered on Tuesday, in which he reaffirmed that the treaty, of which the Emperor was the architect," was......
Signor Crispi On Wednesday Made A Startling Speech On The
condition of Southern Italy. He declared that the Govern- ment were ready to do anything to redress the wrongs of the people of Sicily, to readjust all local taxation, and even......
News Of The Week.
T ILL yesterday the week was full of speculations as to the date of Mr. Gladstone's resignation, which no one ventured to put later than the return of the Queen from Italy;......
On Friday, It Came Out Definitely That Mr. Gladstone Will
give in his resignation to-day, and that its acceptance by the Queen will be intimated on Monday, and that the 'Queen will send for Lord Rosebery; but whether Lord Rose- bery......