[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR SIR,—After reading your interesting correspondence on "Witchcraft in a Somersetshire Village," I thought I would pay a visit to an old lady, a......
James Smith's Grammar.
[To THE EDI MR OF THE SPECTATJR." I SIB,—In vindication of James Smith's grammar, it may be worth while to trouble you with a slightly different version of his lines on Andrew......
rTo THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIE, - I have read the letters in the Spectator about tom-tits, and think that an account of how we have fed them for many years past may......
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SpuTATori."] SIR,—The following extracts from examination papers may be considered worthy of a place among the "howlers" which you have given. They are......
SCHOLARSHIP IN PAINTING. THERE are several ways of dealing with paintings by the Old Masters. One way is to call attention to the most beautiful, with an attempt to define the......