The Old House of Rayner. By Grimley Hill. (Digby, Long,
and Co.)—The first of the two tales in this volume is a cheerful story of how a certain Dr. Rayner was forced alive into his coffin by an unprincipled relative, of how this said relative was discovered, and how an amiable young lady came by her owp. The second, entitled "How to Read in the 'Long,' " is a love-stbry of the most commonplace kind. There are cross-purposes, but they are put straight without any serious expenditure of tears or breaking of commandments. We should like to have had details of how these two young gentlemen fared in the schools after getting engaged
in the "Long." It used to be considered that a "fourth," not to say a gulf, was the inevitable penalty of such doings. But pos- sibly the undergraduates of to-day are more acclimatised to these influences.