On Monday, Mr. Justice O'Brien, in opening the Commis- sion
of Assizes at Cork, referred to the condition of Clare. A comparison with last year showed that there were 117 cases of crime in the period under review, against 118 in the same period in 1893. The more heinous forms of crime showed 'diminution; but when those forms of crime and outrage which generally indicated a disturbed condition of society were con- sidered, no improvement was visible. For example, the eases of arson were 36, as compared with 14. Threatening letters remained the same in number, but they were apparently of a darker character. Under the apparently innocent description -of other forma of intimidation, "he found many cases reported which more properly would come under the description of attempts to murder and open invasion of the privacy of dwelling-houses at night by armed bands with blackened faces." Among these cases he found one "of a man going -on the public road having no fewer than fifteen revolver-shots .fired at him."