The Soirees Mysterieuses of M. Phillippe, at the St. James's
Theatre, are amusingly astounding. M. Phillippe beats Herr Dobler hollow. Dobler's masterpiece of legerdemain was bringing bouquets out of an empty hat; but M. Phillippe, besides bouquets and bon-bons innumerable, fetches-a cloud of feathers out of the hat, and from a pencil-case extracts flags for a whole fleet. The most inscrutable trick, however, is the production of glass globes full of water with gold-fish swimming in them, a pan of fire, and afterwards fowls of all sorts enough to stock a poultry-yard, from under a cloth that he wraps round him. M. Phillippe speaks English well, and has a gentlemanlike manner: his polished address and lively style of performing his feats contribute greatly to the agreeableness of the entertainment.