Dtbatts An Iproctebings In Varliament.
MAYNOOTH COLLEGE. In the House of Commons, on Monday, it was moved that the report 'of the Committee on the Maynooth grant be received; on which Mr. SHAR I - ILAN CRAWFORD......
News Of The Week.
Although on a diminished scale of interest, Maynooth has still been the largest topic , discussed by Parliament ; but even that was subsidiary to some curious historical......
There Is A Little Stir In Many Quarters Abroad, Out
of which the newsmongers try to make something. M. Guizot has been obliged to rusticate for a month, to repair his injured health. There is the ready interpretation put upon his......
The Opponents Of The Maynooth Grant Do Not Surrender Their
task of getting up a show of " popular excitement" against the measure ; but, thro ug h the smoke they raise, one sees suspicious glimpses of a gene.ral calm beyond. The world......