Deputations On Private Bills.
EVERY revolving season brings with it to London flocks of depu- tations on private bills—the swallows of the Parliamentary summer. A happy race they are—envied alike by the......
Lord Stanley On Secondary Punishments. The Witnesses...
William Molesworth's Committee established beyond dispute that our system of transportation made devils instead of reforming bad men. The range of transporta- tion was therefore......
The Great Unchanged.
THE reader of the Newgate Calendar cannot fail to be struck with the unchanging character of the Ordinary of Newgate. The language and opinions of all other classes of society......
The Scotch Universities.
LEAVE has been given to bring in the Scotch University Bill : the expediency of abolishing religious tests in the case of Lay Professors has been recognized as a question open......
Arbiters In Disputes Between Nations.
PROJECTS for the establishment of a g reat European Council to exercise jurisdiction in national contr oversies, and thus prevent wars, are as old as the age of Henri Quatre.......