Prophecy Of The Living "samuel?
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Everyone knows that Samuel Rogers is a poet; many think that lie is also a wit: but who ever said or thought that he was a prophet? Yet so it is:......
The Wolf And The Lamb In Caucasus.
THE" Wolf qiiarrelling with the' Lamb that stood further down the stream, for dirtying the water, is no fable. The wolf is alive and merry in Caucasus at this day. Count......
Arbiters In Disputes Between Nations.
PROJECTS for the establishment of a g reat European Council to exercise jurisdiction in national contr oversies, and thus prevent wars, are as old as the age of Henri Quatre.......
Spectator's Libraliy.
BIOGRAPHY, Lives of Men of Letters and Science, who flourished in the Reign of George III. By Henry Lord Brougham, F.R.S., Member of the National Institute of France. and of the......